Swift Type 2


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    535000 - 15500000





    Body Type

    Van / Minivan0



    Car Age

20 Products

  • 980,000.00

    Car Overview

    Location Coimbatore
    Price 9.80 Lakhs
    Kilometer Driven 88000
    Fuel Type Diesel
    Transmission Automatic
    Make Year 2011
    Registration Year
    No. of Owner 2nd Owner
    Insurance Validity
    Insurance Type NIL
    Color Black

    [ninja_form id=2]

  • 1,250,000.00

    Car Overview

    Color Coimbatore
    Price 12.50 Lakhs
    Kilometer Driven 96019
    Fuel Type Diesel
    Transmission Automatic
    Make Year 2011
    Registration Year 2011
    No. of Owner Second Owner
    Insurance Validity 12/01/2024
    Insurance Type Comprehensive
    Registration No TN66
    Color Beige

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    [ninja_form id=2]
  • 850,000.00

    Car Overview

    Location Coimbatore
    Price 8.50 Lakhs (FIXED PRICE)
    Kilometer Driven 123848
    Fuel Type Diesel
    Transmission Automatic
    Make Year 2011
    Registration Year
    No. of Owner 2nd Owner
    Insurance Validity
    Insurance Type Nil
    Color Terra Bronze

    [ninja_form id=2]

  • 1,475,000.00

    Car Overview

    Color Coimbatore
    Price 14.75 Lakhs
    Kilometer Driven 130465
    Fuel Type Diesel
    Transmission Automatic
    Make Year 2012
    Registration Year
    No. of Owner Second Owner
    Insurance Validity 07/03/2024
    Insurance Type
    Registration No TN01
    Color White

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    [ninja_form id=2]
  • 1,500,000.00

    Car Overview

    Color Coimbatore
    Price 15 Lakhs
    Kilometer Driven 125662
    Fuel Type Diesel
    Transmission Automatic
    Make Year 2013
    Registration Year 2013
    No. of Owner Single Owner
    Insurance Validity 03/04/2024
    Insurance Type
    Registration No TN37
    Color Ice Silver

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    [ninja_form id=2]
  • 1,475,000.00

    Car Overview

    Location Coimbatore
    Price  14.75 Lakhs
    Kilometer Driven 28550
    Fuel Type Diesel
    Transmission Automatic
    Make Year 2013
    Registration Year 2014
    No. of Owner Single Owner
    Insurance Validity 21/02/2024
    Insurance Type
    Registration No TN50
    Color Brown

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    [ninja_form id=2]
  • 1,550,000.00

    Car Overview

    Color Coimbatore
    Price 15.50 Lakhs
    Kilometer Driven 61393
    Fuel Type Diesel
    Transmission Automatic
    Make Year 2014
    Registration Year
    No. of Owner Single Owner
    Insurance Validity
    Insurance Type
    Registration No TN01
    Color Blue

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    [ninja_form id=2]
  • 890,000.00

    Car Overview

    Color Coimbatore
    Price 8.90 Lakhs
    Kilometer Driven 229708
    Fuel Type Petrol
    Transmission Automatic
    Make Year 2014
    Registration Year 2014
    No. of Owner Single Owner
    Insurance Validity Nil
    Insurance Type Nil
    Registration No TN37
    Color Urban Titanium

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    [ninja_form id=2]
  • 535,000.00

    Car Overview

    Location Coimbatore
    Price 5.35 Lakhs
    Kilometer Driven 68699
    Fuel Type Diesel
    Transmission Manual
    Make Year 2014
    Registration Year 2014
    No. of Owner Single Owner
    Insurance Validity 24/01/2024
    Insurance Type Comprehensive
    Registration No TN37
    Color White

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    [ninja_form id=2]
  • 2,150,000.00

    Car Overview

    Location Coimbatore
    Price 21.50 Lakhs
    Kilometer Driven 92728
    Fuel Type Diesel
    Transmission Automatic
    Make Year 2015
    Registration Year 2015
    No. of Owner Second Owner
    Insurance Validity Nil
    Insurance Type Nil
    Registration No TN02
    Color Ibis White

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    [ninja_form id=2]
  • 1,750,000.00

    Car Overview

    Color Coimbatore
    Price 17.50 Lakhs
    Kilometer Driven 95445
    Fuel Type Diesel
    Transmission Automatic
    Make Year 2015
    Registration Year
    No. of Owner Single Owner
    Insurance Validity 30/03/2024
    Insurance Type
    Registration No TN54
    Color Red

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    [ninja_form id=2]
  • 2,300,000.00

    Car Overview

    Location Coimbatore
    Price 23 Lakhs
    Kilometer Driven 77415
    Fuel Type Diesel
    Transmission Automatic
    Make Year 2016
    Registration Year 2017
    No. of Owner Second Owner
    Insurance Validity 09/04/2024
    Insurance Type Comprehensive
    Registration Number TN01
    Color White

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    [ninja_form id=2]
  • 890,000.00

    Car Overview

    Location Coimbatore
    Price 8.90 Lakhs
    Kilometer Driven 64045
    Fuel Type Diesel
    Transmission Manual
    Make Year 2017
    Registration Year
    No. of Owner 1st Owner
    Insurance Validity Nil
    Insurance Type Nil
    Registration No TN09
    Color White

    [ninja_form id=2]

  • 2,800,000.00

    Car Overview

    Color Coimbatore
    Price 28 Lakhs
    Kilometer Driven 151276
    Fuel Type Diesel
    Transmission Manual
    Make Year 2017
    Registration Year
    No. of Owner Single Owner
    Insurance Validity 19/01/2024
    Insurance Type Comprehensive
    Registration No TN68
    Color Silver

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    [ninja_form id=2]
  • 590,000.00

    Car Overview

    Location Coimbatore
    Price 5.90 Lakhs
    Kilometer Driven 74404
    Fuel Type Petrol/CNG
    Transmission Manual
    Make Year 2018
    Registration Year 2018
    No. of Owner Single Owner
    Insurance Validity 06/09/2023
    Insurance Type Comprehensive
    RTO TN39
    Color White

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    [ninja_form id=2]
  • 740,000.00

    Car Overview

    Location Coimbatore
    Price 7.40 Lakhs
    Kilometer Driven 110591
    Fuel Type Diesel
    Transmission Manual
    Make Year 2018
    Registration Year 2018
    No. of Owner Second Owner
    Insurance Validity Nil
    Insurance Type Nil
    Registration No TN19
    Color Silver

    Book Now

    [ninja_form id=2]